Monday, July 26, 2004


[ mood meter frustrated ]

i'm tired of fiddlin' with this knit tracker thing!  i've downloaded the images to my own server but i can't get the code right so that it points to the images.  it's giving me a headache so i'll sleep on it.  maybe something will "click" in my brain tonight.
OKC: i'm making nice progress on my 2nd mitten.  hope to finish in the next few days so i can work on that accordion cardigan, a pair of baby socks and whatever else i feel like working on.
meantime, it's hella late so i'm gonna go cut JWJ's hair then go to bed.


  1. don't give up, it'll totally get better :) i love blogdrive, maybe try their server instead? your blog is fun, keep it up, don't stop blogging!!

  2. awwww thanks nicole! you've inspired me to keep working on this thing. stay tuned!


... this has been a QuietStorm production, dahling ...