Monday, September 27, 2004
NYC ... here we come!
[ what i'm listenin' to -- some construction guys jackhammering the road ]
the Knit Out is happening here this weekend. i was planning to go with NAM and a few others for a whole day of fun playing with yarn, etc. yesterday morning NAM called me and said, "let's drive to new york on sunday to go to their Knit Out instead!" and in true lucy and ethel fashion, i said, "OKAY!" NAM's mom is going with us, so we can split the driving between the three of us. this is one of our last-minute, hare-brained ideas...destined to be a classic! i will take pix with the cell phone camera and post them when we get back!
in knitting news, i finished one of the baby bibs i'm making, and will start another tonight as JWJ and i continue watching season 2 of '24' on dvd. i've also started making 7" afghan squares for charity....a good way to use up yarn!
Saturday, September 25, 2004
finally...a picture!

here's maya's hat and mittens!! i was going to make the hat one of those long pointy stocking caps but changed my mind. i do hope she'll love wearing these as much as i loved making them for her. i'm still working on mittens for the other maia, and she'll have a hat, too, but a different design i think.
sorry i can't write more now, i have to get to kinko's and to the post office. have a -great- saturday!
Monday, September 20, 2004
long time no knitting
wow it's been weeks it seems, since i picked up my needles. life has been a flurry of hecticness, but i spent lots of yesterday knitting my heart out! i finished a diagonal washcloth, and started another one from my "dishcloths from the heart" booklet (see below for link). got halfway through it and messed up....that's what i get for watching tv and trying to knit in the dark (we were watching the first season of '24' on DVD). i ripped out and started mistakes yet! i will try to remember to post pix soon!
i am looking for a nice pattern for booties or sox for a baby boy...a woman who works at the bakery next door to my job is pregnant with her first child and even though i don't know her, i'd like to make something to mark this wonderful occasion (that, plus i like making baby stuff!). if you know of any easy, but lovely patterns, please do let me know. i prefer knitting on double points but hey, i'm flexible. thanks in advance!
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Purled Heart washcloth

and so it begins.
this is the first dish/washcloth i've made from the "dishcloths from the heart" booklet. i like using hand knit cloths for washing myself as opposed to washing dishes, but they are good for that too. i think the first one i made really spoiled me so now i use them almost exclusively. i like garter stitch ones. they feel soooooooo good when i wash my face! sorry the pic is a little on the dark side, but i had to do take the pic in lighting that would allow the subtle design to show up. but most of these cloths that i'm making are destined to become nice christmas gifts. i think a few hand-knit cloths, along with my favorite bar soap would make a nice gift for someone, don't you?
so tonight i plan to do a bit of knitting before i go pick up a couple of mega-millions tickets. (the boyfriend and i have grandiose dreams of what we'll do when we strike it rich!) it's a toss-up between working on a diagonal dishcloth and starting my regia socks again. i was working on the heel when i frogged. i don't quite "get" the sherman heel but that's only because i've never done one. mine didn't look quite like the picture...looked a little...i dunno, crooked or something. but that could be simply because i lost my place in the pattern and kind of "guesstimated" where i was. so, we rip and try again. "just keep knitting, just keep knitting...." ;-)
Saturday, September 04, 2004
my wildflower yarn

a girl needs red sox, and i have yarn to make -plenty- :-)
had to rip my regia sox and start over. haven't worked on it in so long, i couldn't figure out where i was in the pattern (i was doing the heel) so i just ripped out so i could start over. no biggie. i was only on the first sock anyway. i decided to make the leg longer. i was going to make a shorter sock but changed my mind.
... this has been a QuietStorm production, dahling ...