...i've never been much of an OSU fan. but today i attended my first OSU football game with my brother and we had so much fun! the game was good but boy that band was great. today was alumni band day, so in addition to the current band, there were a few hundred former band members, ranging in age from 21 to like, 90. there were even former drum majors there too. i think my favorite part was the Script Ohio formation. i think with the regular band there is just one formation on the field, but with the alumni members they make four of them. too bad i couldn't capture the entire field with my cell phone camera:

It's not called TBDBITL for nothing!
in knitting news, look at this cloth i started the other day. it's called
"muguets" (lily):

pretty, huh?
i think i will go watch "the closer" from last week while i finish knitting this.
ciao, darlings!
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