the flight here was just a mess. my plane out of columbus was delayed due to weather. my colleague and i got to the airport like 2 hours before our flight was due to leave. however, comma, right when it was time to board the plane, here comes a thunderstorm that prompted a delay due to lightning. apparently there is some FAA rule that states that the guys unloading and reloading cargo from the plane cannot be out there doing that while there's lightning. the rule is that there has to be 15 mins without lightning before the cargo process etc can continue. okay. so we finally got on the plane we were delayed again because the plane needed fuel, but there was more lightning. finally we were on our way to atlanta, where we had to run across the damn airport so that we could catch our connecting flight, only to find that it was delayed as well. sheesh.
so then we got to NOLA and it was hot hot hot. and humiiiiiiiid! air's so thick you can slice it with a knife. we got into a cab to head downtown, only to find out that the cab didn't take credit cards. so we had the cabbie take us back so that we could find a cab that took credit cards. FINALLY we got a cab and headed to our hotel. got caught up in some traffic but finally made it to canal street, where our hotel is.
my baby brother, who's stationed here in the US Navy, came and swooped us up and we all hung out for a few hours. he took us to this awesome little sno-cone stand that has the absolute BEST sno-cones i have ever had! yesterday i had one that tasted just like an orange creamsicle, and today i had one that tasted like strawberry shortcake. yummy! my bro says he goes there every day...i can see why!
today we went to world famous bourbon street! what an interesting place. first of all i'm still tripping about the liquor laws here. you can walk around with liquor, beer, etc, as long as it's not in bottles. it has to be in a plastic container. whaaaaaaaaa? you got it kids, mz had an opportunity to walk down bourbon street with a cup of beer in her hand. we stopped into a blues bar where this old guy was singing and playing the hell outta his guitar. he was funny, the way he was singing and flirting with my friend. i will certainly post pics later.
but anyway, to get to the knitting content of this message...finally!! i decided i wanted to try to do loop stitch. took a picture of it, wanna see it, here it go:

i can SO see myself making loopy stitch pillows for my living room, or bedroom! yay!
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