i dunno what is WITH me lately but i've had this strong urge to knit baby stuff. few weeks ago i had this dream that i had a baby girl...except i didn't give birth to her. in the dream i was in a rush to leave for work and i opened the front door and damn near tripped over this beautiful baby girl. i mean she was an infant...newborn! she was wrapped snugly in blankets and was lying in a basket of some sort...maybe longaberger? haha so needless to say i'm all like, "what the helllllll?" i called my boss and said i had a problem and that i wouldn't be coming to work. i took the baby (i called her lil bit) to my momma's house so we could figure out what to do. well later in the dream it became clear that the baby wasn't listed as missing, no one was looking for her, no one could find her mother, so the dept of children's services said i could adopt her...and i did. so just like that i became a mommy. weird.
ever since then i've been itchin' to knit baby stuff. these socks are for little jasmyne. my SIL is due to have a baby boy on sept. 15. my other SIL just had a baby boy in july. and i found out today that one of my friends is pregnant. so i guess i have all the reasons i need to knit baby stuff, huh? last night i dreamed that i made a blue and white baby sweater so let me go stash diving to see what i can find!
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