so on saturday i got together with my best friend and her mom for a relaxing afternoon of knitting and crocheting. well as relaxing as it can be with a bunch of kids running around the house. but before that we went to an LYS because i needed some tunisian crochet hooks and the other ladies wanted yarn for various projects etc. this is a great little LYS that's owned by an older lady named mrs. phillips. she sells yarn by the ounce (usually around 30 cents/ounce) and none of it is labeled although i suspect it's mostly red heart acrylic. no worries. acrylic is good for many things so when i need some i usually go there. there are just bins and shelves full of it. it's really quite fun to shop there because the inventory is always different. i try to buy
as much as i can of stuff that i like because next time it's likely to be gone!
anyway, i found my hooks, and was wandering around looking for nothing in particular and this beautiful sport weight yarn called out to me. it's variegated blue green and yellow and is so pretty so i bought about 4 big skeins of that. then i bought some off-white dishcloth cotton, and a little ball of this thin purple yarn (it was only 80 cents and it was the only one i saw like could i leave it all alone?). altogether i spent about $30 but that's because i bought 4 of those crochet hooks at a price of $3.50/apiece! but that's the only LYS in town that i know has them. i hate shopping at jo-ann's because last time i was there they were so rude to my mother that i am boycotting for a while. plus i'd rather shop at mrs phillips' shop because she is SUCH a lovely lady.
okay so that was that. i did work on some stash projects this week though. i worked on the log cabin baby blanket that i'm crocheting, and while i'm working on that i'm using the same yarns to make 3-round granny squares to stitch together for another baby blanket. i knitted on the socks i'm making for eric, as well as that hand towel i'm knitting for my bathroom. that thing is never ending. i want the final size to be 17" x 34" (the same size as my williams-sonoma dish towels that i LOVE) but it's just taking forEVER!
yesterday, i needed a little "retail therapy" so i went to the LYS that is closest to my office and raided their discount bin. SCORE! i was away from my office for 30 mins (that included the drive to the store, the bin raiding and a little browsing and the drive back) -- and spent about $40. i better knit my @ss off this year to justify the spending, yes?
oh well. work is calling so i'd better get back to it.