i almost always have socks on my needles lately. did i tell y'all how i want to be able to wear nothing but hand-knitted socks? yup. no factory-made socks for me, except for when i'm doing yardwork or something. so i've been knitting socks for myself. of course, some people just don't understand the pure joy of wearing socks that fit you perfectly. these are the folks who say stupid shit like, "why don't you just go buy some socks?" or something along those lines. but i won't let that get me down! i'll just keep knitting, just keep knitting. here's my latest:

the only problem that i'm having is that i'm going to run out of yarn. see, what had happened was, i didn't read the yarn label, which would have told me clear as day that i need 150g to make a pair of socks. well, duh, i only have 100g so i'm clearly going to run out of yarn. now, i thought about ripping the sock out and reknitting it with a shorter cuff/leg, but i don't wanna!!! so ... i'm going to do what any self-respecting yarn collector, er, i mean, knitter would do, i'm buying more yarn!! i'm buying one to finish the socks and 3 more so i can knit another pair. the plan is to knit most of my socks with the yarn i already have, until i get to the toes, which i will knit with the new yarn i'm buying. that way, the different dye lots won't be as visible, at least not when i'm wearing shoes with my socks. right? genius!
but now i'm going to watch some more of this L&O:CI marathon that's on USA. and maybe i'll eat some more chips & salsa. then maybe some more sock knitting :-)
later, taters!