I recently got hip to a spinning technique called "Ply on the Fly."
Essentially, you spin up a few feet of singles with your spindle then immediately Navajo ply. That way, you don’t have to spin up ALL of your fiber into singles before plying -- you ply as you go, hence, “ply on the fly.” It's very efficient, and a lot of fun. Here's the yarn that I've spun using this technique:
This is a bit of Gotland fiber that I got from a friend. It's a wool I hadn't spun before. |
I haven't done much sewing or knitting or anything else lately. Life has been happening, but there's always one project (or a ton) in progress. I started a new sweater this weekend -- nevermind that I already have 2 of them on needles. What's one more? :-)
Hmm. Perhaps I will knit a few rows on one of the projects and move it that much closer to done!
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